
InsideAsia unveils Cultural Adventures campaign

InsideAsia Tours has launched an experiential travel campaign and new microsite to mark World Tourism Day on Friday (September 27).

The Inside Travel Group specialist is promoting a new style of travel termed ‘cultural adventure’ to cater to rising consumer demand for trips that feature lesser-known destinations.

Inside Travel Group Co-founder Alastair Donnelly said: “Cultural adventure is a type of travel that goes beyond the guidebook and gets beneath the surface.

“It’s about enabling travellers, giving them genuine exposure to local life and culture, from the people to landscapes and food.

“It’s encountering a type of normal that couldn’t be more different to life as you know it, by having organic experiences away from the crowds.”

He added: “UK and indeed global travel trends show that travellers are increasingly seeking personalised trips in favour of off-the-shelf, as well as the those ‘authentic local’ experiences.

“InsideAsia has seen more than 50% growth in departures over the last year and demand continues to grow.

“The concept of ‘slow travel’ is also increasing and we’re seeing that holiday-goers are placing more emphasis on immersing themselves into the destination and its culture – for longer periods of time.

“Having a cultural adventure that makes all the difference between seeing a country and experiencing it.”

Sue Livsey, Inside Travel Group’s head of InsideAsia, said that when clients are asked what a ‘cultural adventure’ looks like for them, the answer is always different.

“If you dream of making your own kroeung to flavour all your Cambodian curries, we know just the cookery master who’ll be only too happy to share their craft,” she said.

“Or, if you’d rather spend your time tracking down the next hidden temple after tucking into a third plate of beef lok lak, we’ll connect you with a team of conservationists to slip behind the scaffold at Angkor Wat and show you how Cambodia’s emblematic temple is more than a building; it’s a sculpture.

“Cultural adventure is our style of travel, but yours will be unique to you.”

South Korea picture: InsideAsia Tours

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