and Jet2holidays have been named as among supporters of National Apprenticeship Week for the third consecutive year.
The sister Jet2 companies will once again show their backing for the 18th annual event under the theme ‘Skills for Life’ with a week-long series of activities across February 10-16.
These include a visit to NSPCC’s Leeds hub, one of the companies’ charity partners, to learn about its mission, followed by a Bright Sparks ideas club in which apprentices will pitch their proposed solutions to overcome the charity’s business challenges. and Jet2holidays will also be promoting their apprenticeship opportunities at the Leeds Apprenticeship Recruitment Fair on February 12.
As well as encouraging apprentices to return to their schools and colleges to deliver career talks, the company will be hosting webinars providing information, advice and guidance on the benefits of apprenticeships.
HR director Miriam D’souli said: “We recognise the immense contribution that apprentices make towards our continued success and growth, so we are delighted to be part of the National Apprenticeship Week 2025 supporters club.
“The future of and Jet2holidays is extremely bright, thanks to the recruitment of even more apprentices for next year, and we are making more opportunities available to support existing colleagues too.
“A key reason we continue to win awards for delivering the best service in the industry is the fact we recruit talented and committed colleagues, and this is something we will continue doing.
“As our apprenticeship programme continues to grow alongside our business, we look forward to welcoming the next generation of apprentices, as well as nurturing existing talent.”