Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 29/05/00 |
Author: | Page Number: 20 |
Copyright: Other |
Cosmos targets peak sales with on-line bookable Web site
COSMOS will launch an on-line bookable Web site in time for the peak season early next year.But sales and marketing director Paul Riches told delegates at the Advantage conference that technology will not harm its relationship with agents if they continue to push the operator’s product.
“If I told you we were not moving into these areas, I would be deceiving you,” said Riches. “But personally I don’t believe either the Internet or digital TV will make a lot of short-term difference to our sales through agents.
“In the short term, I believe the real live British holidaymaker wants to buy a holiday from a real live person.” But he warned agents to continue to support Cosmos, or risk the consequences.
“If you stop supporting us we will have to use other channels, sell electronically and go to the customer direct,” he said. “Every time we send you a brochure, we’re taking a risk. Brochures cost money and if those brochures don’t produce bookings, we’ve lost that money.
“Counter staff have the power to control or restrict distribution.They can recommend us or someone else and have the power to switch sell,” said Riches.
Riches: warned agents to back Cosmos or risk the consequences