Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 26/06/00 |
Author: | Page Number: 1 |
Copyright: Other |
Ownership links
AITOcalls for transparency clarity
DEMANDS for call centres and Web sites to display ownership links may delay legislation on transparency even further.The Association of Independent Tour Operators has told the Government that current proposals for shops to display links, first demanded by the Government in December 1997 following a Monopolies and Mergers Commission investigation, do not enforce the conditions on other mediums.
Former AITO chairman John Bennett, who stepped down last week (see page 3), said: “Two issues were not covered by the original paper.
“We didn’t want to delay the White Paper but we did want the Government to look at Web sites and call centres.
“We don’t want to go into a further period of re-writing this bill. I would be very disappointed if the Government delays it further.”
ARTACWorldchoice chairman Colin Heal added: “It’s something that has to be dealt with in due course.
“If AITO were to push it at this stage there might be a danger of holding it up. It could put it back 12 months or so.
“I just wonder about the practicality. I’m not so sure about call centres. Calls have to be sharp and crisp and to the point. I’m not sure the callers are going to appreciate it either.”
A Department of Trade and Industry spokesman confirmed the consultation period had closed. He said a comment would be made in due course.