Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 03/07/00 |
Author: | Page Number: 70 |
Copyright: Other |
A soft approach: from left, Roger Gray, general manager, Midlands and Northern Ireland, JMC introduce Jamie C to agents Joanne Hall and Sue Coll, from Bowens in Atherton
JMC initiative proves to be just unbearable
JMC – along with other operators – is just a lifeless, faceless giant. Says who?Well, JMC actually.The operator conducted research among agents, who said they were concerned about a lack of support and commitment from operators.
In response to this, JMC is going to improve communication with retailers. Good for them. It’s about time operators started listening to the people who sell their products.
But then it all goes a bit pear shaped. They’re using a teddy bear called Jamie C (JMC, geddit?) to launch the initiative at the Bowens and Yorkshire retail chains in the Midlands and Northamptonshire. Sorry, are they trying to curry favour in a children’s hospital or with adult travel agents here?
JMC director of sales Ian Derbyshire, who is a strapping Manchester City fan not known for his soppiness, says:”The idea is to build a more personal chain of communication. Agents get an adoption certificate with their Jamie C bear and our sales team will keep in touch to ensure both Jamie and agents are looked after.”
Uugh, pass me the bucket, please. But let’s not be too harsh – at least they’re looking after agents.