Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 11/09/00 |
Author: | Page Number: 10 |
Copyright: Other |
Bakers Dolphin gets top vote for putting youth training first
I WRITE in reference to your recent article ‘can young ones cut the mustard when real experience is needed’ (Travel Weekly August 21), featuring quotes from Bakers Dolphin Travel on the trainee scheme and I totally agree with what Mr Abbey has said.
I find it amazing how so many people can take these quotes out of context. It is clear that he is not criticising young travel agents but blaming other travel companies for not offering these youngsters adequate training opportunities.
I am currently training on a fantastic programme devised by Bakers Dolphin and am extremely confident about enjoying a long and successful career in the travel industry after completing it. After meeting Mr Abbey it is obvious he is not prejudiced against age.
He is enthusiastic, welcoming and gives great words of encouragement to all the young trainees.
We will all gain experience in time but you have a start with the basics of customer service, then build up the product knowledge.
Iam proud to be a trainee at Bakers Dolphin because they are prepared to give us the appropriate training so we can acquire that experience and expertise to make us successful.
Dominic Perry
Bakers Dolphin