
Eddington paints bleak picture of UK aviation industry

BRITISH Airways chief executive Rod Eddington has painted a
dark picture for Britain’s aviation industry at the annual Aviation Club lunch held
today in London.

Eddington called for further investment in Britain’s airport
infrastructure, in particular at Heathrow, to ensure the nation can compete
against other European airports.

Eddington said: “Here’s a vision of British aviation in
2020. Scenes at Heathrow like the Director’s Cut of Blade Runner, even more
crowding and even more congestion than today.

“Tourists and foreign business people will have their first
experience of Britain at Heathrow, and it’ll be like the Northern Line in rush
hour. That’ll be their  first experience
of Britain when they arrive, and their last impression when they leave.”

Eddington said there was hope for Britain’s future as a
leading aviation nation and compared the country to Hong Kong, which saw
massive industrial growth when it opened Hong Kong International on Lantau

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