“The conference was excellent, beyond expectations. It was very practical with the Internet session. On the first day there should have been more opportunity to get members’ views across and we’ve learned a lesson from that. But it puts the group very decisively on the map.”
Charles Eftichiou, Moseley Travel, Moseley, Birmingham
“It was very focused and there were definitely a few surprises. I didn’t believe they had got their act together on the Internet, but they obviously have. For a first conference it was very good and for me it was more valuable than an ABTA conference.”
Jim Tadgell, Ariel Travel, Denbigh
“Before I came to the conference I didn’t know anyone else in Midconsort. It made me realise we are all pulling in the same direction and I no longer feel like I am on my own. Some of the sessions weren’t particularly exciting, but they covered issues that were important to us all as independent agents.”
Ian Burchnall, Abbott Roma Travel, Sleaford
“I was delighted with the response from suppliers and it made me realise we are viewed as an important body of agents. It has inspired the members.”
John O’Leary, Millington Travel and Midconsort director