WITHreference your article ‘Young guns go for it’ (Travel Weekly June 7), I must point out that the lead-in price for Club 18-30’s summer 2000 brochure was incorrect.
The price quoted (£171.75) is for Club 18-30’s new all-inclusive deal called ‘The Works’. This extensive offer includes flights, transfers and accommodation, but also offers customers a fridge full of beer on arrival, snacks, a full English breakfast until lunchtime, a handy disposable camera and a free bar for one hour a day.
The actual brochure lead-in price is £99 reduced to £74.25 per person for seven nights, when applying our 443 offer.
Thank you for allowing me to set the record straight.
Andy Tidy, General manager, Club 18-30 Holidays, Kearsley, Bolton