A performance monitoring app that tracks conversion rates will be unveiled at Abta’s Travel Convention in Abu Dhabi.
Reality Training’s Reality Sales Tracker allows each user to log sales they have made and those that they have missed.
Bob Morrell, managing director of Reality Training said: “The majority of people we train have no idea what their performance level is. They never monitor their own conversion rate, and are unaware of what helps them make a sale, and what factors influence the sales they miss.
“This app gives them that data and makes them more responsible for their own follow up, and they can take more personal control of their performance management.”
The app is available to download for iOS from the App Store. Users key in their average order value, average number of bookings per day or week, and tally each booking against any bookings they don’t get.
Reality Training, which has worked in travel for 10 years, said the effects on performance can be seen quickly.
A second version is already in development, as is a desktop version for call centres.