n brittany introduces apex fares on selected routes
Brittany Ferries has introduced a number of Apex fares on its routes to France and Spain leading in at ú69 return for a car and up to five people. Valid before March 24 on selectedsailings from Poole to Cherbourg and Portsmouth to Caen, the fare allows up to five days in France. For a longer stay, an Apex saver fare is available for ú99. Apex fares to Spain start at ú149 for a car and two occupants, allowing for five days abroad. The fare is available on the twice-weekly service from Plymouth to Santander.
n IoMSPC sees passenger figures rise for january
The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company has reported a 3.8% increase in passenger figures for January 1999 to 12,232. The ferry operator also records a 2.3% vehicletraffic increase over the same period, from 3,957 to 4,047. The company says increased frequency of sailings on the Heysham route has made a marked contribution to the growth in carryings.
n payless bolsters portfolio with 11 new franchises
Payless car-rental firm has added 11 new franchises to its portfolio of hire locations around the world. The destinations are in Phoenix, Arizona; Providence, Rhode Island; Brandon, Florida; and St Petersburg, Florida. Agents needing additional information can contact the company through its globaldistribution system using code ZA.