Local time: GMT+2 (From 25 Oct to 27 Mar GMT +1.)
Language: French, German and English spoken widely.
Electricity: 220/230V AC 50Hz.
Int. direct dialling code: 352.
Driving: National licence required. Minimum driving age is 18.
Currency: Luxembourg Franc (LUF 1 = 100 Centimes) or Belgian Franc (BEF1 = 100 Centimes).
Notes: LUF: 100; 200; 500; 1,000; 2,000; 5,000.
Coins:LUF:1; 5; 20; 50.
Business hours
Banks:9am-12pm and 1.30pm-4.30pm Mon-Fri.
Offices:8.30am-12pm and 2pm-6pm Mon-Fri.
Shops:2pm-6pm Mon; 9.30am-6pm Tues-Sat.
Emergency services
Emergency services: police: 113. Fire/ambulance: 112.
Compulsory vaccinations: none.