A WORRYINGtrend towards drunken partying at hotel conferences has been identified by meeting organisers Banks Sadler, which accuses women of perpetrating the most heinous crimes.
A survey of 114 hoteliers has provoked a litany of complaints about women, who are accused of running amok in hotels after working hours are over.
These include tales of women leaving toilets in a “disgusting state”, being sick in bed and “flirting embarrassingly” when drunk.
Excessive eating anddrinking results in everything from fighting to having sex in a corridor, fire escape or Jacuzzi.
Well, Backchat is understandably horrified by this news. But we are wondering why women get the blame for having sex at conferences. Surely at least some must be having sex with men?
As for flirting – men, of course, never try and attract the opposite sex when they are feeling a bit tired and emotional.
On the subject of chaps, they do come in for a bit of criticism.
Shouting at female members of staff the night England went out of the World Cup was one example of bad behaviour.
And one male conference delegate is reported to have gone behind a bar and urinated in as many glasses as he could.
If Banks Sadler wants to see some really outrageous behaviour, Backchat’s advice is to attend ABTA’s next bash.