ACODESHARE deal with Aer Lingus is expected to ensure that ABAirlines manages to stay year-round on the Gatwick-Shannon route.
The thrice-daily service is the only one left from AB Airlines’ original network.
The network was dramatically cut last week under pressure from low-cost airlines.
AB commercial director Robert Hardless said talks are continuing with Aer Lingus to put the codeshare deal in place by next month.
He added there was a possibility AB’s Gatwick-Berlin flight may be retained for the summer with reduced capacity, despite the carrier saying last week its double-daily flight was being axed.
Hardless said he was negotiating with the German authorities and travel agents to see if a daily service is viable.
“We are telling the trade they must support us, or risk having direct-sell airlines coming in,” he said. “This has already happened in Lisbon.”
Go contributed to AB pulling out of Lisbon and is threatening to go into Berlin.
AB will also concentrate on its deals with Debonair to Nice and Barcelona.