YOU MAY be forgiven for thinking that working for business travel means cheap rail tickets and adequate accommodation when away on company business.
However, you are wrong. Do any other business travel agents agree that Travel Agents’ Discount Authority is one of our few perks? Did you know that TADAs are only allowed for personal travel? Yet within Going Places business travel, all 20-plus business travel centres have to send their TADAs to one office to be used for company travel. I guess we could have one for personal travel if there are any left and after asking permission from those above.
However, I predict they will all be used for various different training courses etc by June. With few incentives in business travel, must they take one of the most valued away?
Also, if you were away on company business would you expect to have to stay in a stranger’s house? (I should add with free use of their kitchen to cook an evening meal!) Well, you can with Going Places business travel.
I am aware that companies are after cutting costs, but having to stay in a stranger’s house, not local hotel or bed and breakfast, while away on company business shows a complete disregard for the welfare and happiness of their employees at the expense of saving a few quid. I am sure staff that have had to do this would happily eat at the local burger bar and not order expensive room service, but this is beyond a joke.
A disgruntled employeeGoing Places Business Travel
nTravel Weekly would welcome a response from Going Places Business Travel