
Comment: Hats off to travel’s operational experts

The dreaded ‘travel chaos’ phrase was notably absent from the headlines this summer, notes Lucy Huxley

The old adage no news is good news could certainly have been applied to the travel sector this summer, with the peak season largely passing without a repeat of the negative consumer headlines of recent years.

There were occasional points of concern, of course, but the dreaded phrase “travel chaos” was notably absent from front pages and the top stories of the major news websites.

There is always an element of good or bad fortune in these matters – the industry was hardly at fault for last year’s wildfires, for example.

But enormous credit should also go to the multitude of travel, aviation and maritime professionals whose experience and skill ensure such complex operations run largely as planned.

Sadly, there isn’t a category for logistical excellence in the Travel Weekly Globe Travel Awards, but it is precisely these high standards and professionalism we seek to recognise each January when we gather to kick off the new year in style.

As you can read in this week’s issue, nominations are now open for travel agents to ensure their top suppliers and destination partners are featured in the shortlists when voting opens in November.

And nominations and entries are also open for our five special awards: Travel for All, Unsung Hero, Sustainable Future, Employer of the Year and Outstanding Achievement.

The Globes are always an incredible celebration of everything that makes the industry great, but we need your frontline expertise to ensure we can honour the best of the best on January 16.

Find out more in our special Globes 2025 feature in this week’s edition.

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