
Travel job vacancies drop to lowest level this year

The number of new travel job vacancies dropped to its lowest point of the year in May, according to new data.

C&M Travel Recruitment reported a 5% fall in new travel job vacancies in May compared to April, and a 55% drop in comparison to May 2023.

Meanwhile, the number of travel job placements dropped 15% in May compared to April and 8% year on year, but was still the second highest total in the past 10 months.

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At the same time, more people were searching for travel jobs in May than at any point since November.

C&M Travel Recruitment reported a 17% rise in travel job searches in May compared to the month before it and a 2% increase on May 2023.

Analysing the data, managing director Barbara Kolosinska said there is “no clear trajectory” within the travel recruitment sector.

“The travel industry has been short of quality candidates for some time now so it’s great to see that new jobseeker numbers have risen to their highest level of the year so far,” she said.

“But with new candidates falling in April then rising in May, while new job placements increased in April but dipped last month, once again we’re seeing inconsistency in the travel recruitment market with no clear trajectory.

“As we enter the holiday season and the added distractions of the Euros, we’re unlikely to see a big increase in overall activity, but this could create opportunities for some companies to snap up quality candidates searching for new travel roles over the quieter summer months.”

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