
Thanks for making the ABTA Convention such a success

I WOULD like to thank everybody who made the trip Down Under to Cairns for the 1999 ABTA Convention.

We were very pleased with the turnout and the amount of industry members who made the effort to travel across the world, especially in the run-up to Christmas and the millennium.

I think it is fair to say that we were all very disappointed with the weather, especially when Queensland prides itself as Australia’s sunshine state.

However, I hope you will all agree that, rain apart, I think we managed to get everything else right with some fantastic entertainment and a first-class convention centre. The sun finally came out – the Tuesday after the Convention when most of you were on your way home!

I hope that your brief visit to tropical north Queensland was enough of a taster so that you come back another time and enjoy more of what the state has to offer.

In particular, I’d also like to thank those of you who have taken the time to write and give us your views of the conference.

It was very encouraging reading, especially the positive letters showing support for everyone’s efforts (Travel Weekly December 13).

Larry Monk,

Manager Tourism Queensland,

UK/Ireland and Scandinavia

Letter by e-mail

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