An open letter to deputy managing director at Premier Travel Greg Mould.
Come on Greg, tell us the truth. What was the real reason for shutting down the homeworking division at Premier? (Travel Weekly November 15)
We feel we have a right to know just how it came about, that a major travel firm could see little or no future in continuing a vital work-from-home unit.
It is very hard to believe that with almost no overheads in respect of salaries, office space and other sundry commit-ments, that Premier Travel could see a negative value in developing a hard working and dedicated team.
It is less than two months since we had a meeting where Premier claimed it was happy with the results of its homeworking team.
So what went wrong? Was it all a big mistake from the beginning? Did Premier not think the whole idea through before committing to it? Because if it did, then you would know that six months is never enough time to judge the effectiveness and future of any new venture.
As homeworking travel professionals, we were prepared to commit to Premier and yet you chose to dismiss us with a contempt we don’t deserve.
Why? Please don’t tell us you got your sums wrong. Surely Premier’s management team are not capable of that?
The entire (ex) Premier Travel homeworking team