Worldchoice members have voted against Members’ Consultative Council delegate Tony Radstone sitting on the consortium’s board of directors.
Chairman and managing director Colin Heal said members voted by a “narrow margin” against the move at the consortium’s annual general meeting, held yesterday in Peterborough. If successful, Radstone would have been able to vote on board decisions.
However, Heal added: “The board is now considering a proposal that Radstone is allowed to sit out his appointment as MCC delegate until December and there is also a proposal that he might still continue to attend board meetings as the MCC delegate but without the vote.” Heal said it was hoped a decision could be made by Monday.
Heal was reappointed by 97% to his two positions on the board, while Bill Pickering retained his position as general manager and board director by a similar margin.
The pair remain on the board with other directors Stuart Churm, Helen Burgess, Tim Giles and Duncan Pickering who won their mandates earlier this year and did not need to face another vote at the AGM.