n genesys debuts on-line guide to uk travel sites
Travel technology company Genesys has launched its on-line guide to UK travel sites called infotravel.co.uk. The site has links to almost 1,000 UK sites and is designed for UK business and leisure travellers who prefer to deal with local companies to avoid the expense of long-distance follow-up phone calls and the problems of time-zone differences.
n Worldres.com appoints new europe md
On-line leisure hotel distribution network WorldRes.com has appointed Wolfgang Kitza as managing director ofWorldRes.com Europe. Kitza joins the site from the German on-line service Cityweb Network.
n Date set for distribution channels for travel
Conference organisers IQPC will host the Distribution Channels for the Travel Industry conference at the Selfridge Hotel in London on November 10 and 11. For further details call 020-7430 7333.