I HAVE just received a letter from Sovereign which has made me think the operator has very little respect for travel agents.
You published my letter (Travel Weekly August 23) which complained about an advertisement in Sovereign’s brochure for a Singapore Airlines’ Raffles-class flight on a holiday to Bali.
However the brochure was wrong, Sovereign could not offer it and waited until just three days before departure to advise me.
The customer blew his top and Sovereign offered £200 in compensation.
On that day, Ispent over four hours trying to sort it out. Since then, I have given time and cost phoning and writing to Sovereign to try to get this compensation paid.
So I have wasted hours of time,I had to calm down one of my best customers and then the operator slapped me in the face.
This is their lasted deliverance: “Iconfirm that £200 was credited to your agency, however, given that the holiday cost has decreased, this inevitably reduces your commission.”
And this was Sovereign’s mistake! What do Ihave to pay next – 10% towards the MD’s parking fine?
Last year I gave a nice booking to Kirker Holidays and they sent me a bottle of champagne.
Bernard Johnson, Ashley Travel, Lutterworth, Leicestershire