
Abta LifeLine at work: Joyce’s story

As Travel Weekly continues to raise funds for Abta LifeLine through the TravelCares appeal, we hear from one of the many industry workers helped by the charity during the pandemic. To donate to TravelCares, click here

Note: Real names have not been used.

Joyce, a tour manager living overseas, contacted Abta LifeLine when she was made redundant due to Covid-19 and then found herself homeless. She was left stranded with nowhere else to turn.

LifeLine quickly organised a flight home and arranged accommodation on her return to the UK. It then referred her to its partner Citizens Advice Manchester for the housing and benefit advice she so badly needed.

Unfortunately Joyce was not eligible for housing support, having spent a considerable amount of time overseas. She was devastated and extremely concerned about being homeless again.

LifeLine stepped in and continued to pay for accommodation and food until Joyce’s benefits kicked in. It also bought her a laptop so she could complete her redeployment training through another partner, People 1st International, through which she gained a qualification in health and social care.

Joyce was also referred to The Centre for Crisis Psychology to help with her mental wellbeing.

Paying tribute to LifeLine, Joyce says: “I cannot express my thanks for the help you have given me during this extremely worrying time of my life. If you hadn’t helped me to return from overseas I fear I would still be living on other people’s sofas and relying on them for food.

“The offer of a plane ticket to return to the UK seemed so amazing a month ago but since then Abta LifeLine’s help has gone far beyond anything I could have imagined.

“I am now in accommodation when I thought I would end up homeless and on the streets, at my age, having worked all my life.”

She adds: “Not only have you helped with my rent but have been unbelievably generous with food vouchers too. This is all still sinking in; when I thought there was no hope in my future it now appears as if I may once again get on my feet and find gainful employment.

“Your help and tireless support really has been a lifeline for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

The wonderful news is that Joyce, with her new ‘care’ certificate, has secured a live-in companion job for a lovely family.

She has a roof over her head, a salary and pension.  She knows this will keep her going until she can get back to what she loves doing in the travel industry.

To support industry colleagues and friends like Joyce who have lost their jobs or face other hardships as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, please dig deep and donate to the TravelCares appeal.

Every donation counts, so please consider donating the price of a gingerbread latte or in place of a secret Santa gift in the run-up to Christmas.


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