I AM writing regarding comments made by airlines, saying they will be forced to reduce commission levels unless they see an increase in sales.
As a non-International Air Transport Associationagent, I would like to make a suggestion. We, as a company not holding an IATA licence, are forced to use the help of another agency to issue our tickets, which takes away a large slice of our commission levels.
But we can use airlines that will ticket for us and give us the full commission on the tickets.
As a non-IATAagent this is more helpful to our profit margins and we are more likely to use these companies.
British Airways has an excellent reservation system and the holidays department will ticket for us, but with only 7% commission we are still better off.
Having flown with BA quite a few times, and from comments made by our clients, Ionly wish its cabin service was as helpful as their reservation system.
The majority of airlines have a good cabin service and if they were to invest in a ticketing and reservation system like BALink, Iam sure that many agents like ourselves would welcome and use the carrier more often, increasing its sales and profit margins.
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