Agents/students enrolled: 1,000.
Destinations featured: PATA encompasses 37 countries but differs from EATA in that it includes Pacific Asian destinations such as Australasia.
Format: interactive CD-ROM.
Time: varies, but easily completed in a year.
Cost: agents pay £35 plus VAT.
Benefits: the top scorer on each of the 10 modules qualifies for a free place on an educational. PATA are planning to run up to seven a year primarily for retail travel agents.
Events: PATA Travel Mart will be held at the Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre from April 13-16; PATA London Showcase takes place on September 14 at the Marriott Hotel.
Contact: David Arscott, PATA, United Kingdom chapter, Thorndene, Main Street, St Boswells, Melrose, TD6 OAA; tel: 01835 822493; fax: 01835 822495.