Latin Routes has launched an online marketing hub for the trade following the tour operator’s first rebrand since it launched in 2012.
The company’s rebrand at the end of last month aimed to reflect its development into the premium sector and was unveiled alongside its new-look website, which now features a quick itineraries section, interactive maps and a day-by-day listing of each holiday. It is not bookable.
The revamped trade hub, which went live today (Thursday, February 13), has been made easier for travel agents to navigate, with new imagery to reflect the look and feel of the rebrand, more downloadable ‘how to sell’ documents and new point of sale materials to promote destinations.
More: Latin Routes unveils first rebrand and ‘cutting-edge’ new website
The sales guides have been expanded to cover all of the operator’s destinations, including new destinations such as Mexico and Belize, and revamped to produce a more premium look and feel with icons to showcase inclusions for each itinerary. Agents can download these to help them to promote each destination to clients.
Director and co-founder Jess Dennison said: “These documents will help agents to explain the destination to clients, telling them what is in the country and how to sell it.
“There will be a lot more on the marketing hub than there was before and it looks a lot fresher. It’s about showcasing to agents what their clients can do and planting the seed about the destination. It’s more about inspiration than deals.”
She said the hub would also aim to help agents feel confident about selling the region and serve as a reminder to them to promote destinations in Latin America to their client base.
The hub includes improved posters for agents’ shop windows and more sales materials for agents to use during the consultation process showing more information about lead-in priced itineraries and what clients will see on and experience on their trip.
“We want to give agents as much as possible to aid the booking and make sure they have the tools to maximise the sales opportunities. It’s all about clients knowing agents sell these destinations,” added Dennison.
Agents account for around half of the operator’s sales. The company hopes to increase trade sales but keep the ratio of trade and direct sales at the same level. Currently, year-on-year sales through the trade are up 32%.
Dennison added that while Costa Rica and Peru remained among the top destinations for the operator, Argentina and Chile have risen in popularity thanks to increased awareness and airlift.