
Where is the democracy?

Journal: TWUKSection:
Title: Issue Date: 22/05/00
Author: Page Number: 10
Copyright: Other

Where is the democracy?

QUESTION: What is the difference between the mayor of London and the president of ABTA? Answer: The mayor of London is fairly and democratically elected.

It does annoy me somewhat that instead of us, the members, being allowed to decide who should be our figurehead and represent our interests, it is instead left to a committee of 18 who all know each other.

I could imagine the outcry if the prime minister of the day wasn’t elected by the public but by an old boys network.

Surely such a practice is not only undemocratic but also denies us, the members, an opportunity to decide on what manifesto and direction the organisation should be taking?

Indeed Iam surprised that such a practice escaped the recent review.

Come on ABTA, you’re more than willing to take our subscription, so why not give us an opportunity to decide who should lead us.

Name and address withheld

n Travel Weekly would welcome a response from ABTA.

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