Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 10/07/00 |
Author: | Page Number: 5 |
Copyright: Other |
in brief
n singapore airlines debuts mobile serviceSingapore Airlines hasintroduced SIA Mobile Services to inform customers of changes to flight and arrival times viae-mail, mobile telephones or pagers. This new service offers flight schedules, the status of all SIA flights, phone directories of SIA’s offices and information on special fare offers.
n ayscough travel launches initiative
Ayscough Travel has launched a travel management service to companies with small travel budgets called Ayscough Corporate Direct. The initiative will offer discount air fares, hotel reservations and airport parking.
n uk visitor numbers set to break record
Annual UKvisitor numbers to Hong Kong are set to break a new record this year. Some 1.1m UK visitors travelled there in April, 20% up on the same month last year, putting Hong Kong on target to break the annual record of 11.7m.