Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 07/08/00 |
Author: | Page Number: 4 |
Copyright: Other |
ABC Holiday Extras’ top tips for selling extras and earning more commission
l Never assume your customers know they can pre-book holiday extras. Always ask, “how are you getting to the airport?”* Always offer an airport hotel. Tell your customers about the low costs – if you don’t they will assume it is expensive.
* If your customers ask about parking tell them about stay-and-park options at airport hotels. They may not know they are available, plus they could save money on the cost of parking.
* Tell them about the savings they can make by pre-booking their extras. You could save them money while offering a better service.
* Make use of every contact with the customer. Send them a leaflet or add a line to your letters every time you contact them.
* Match the extra to the holiday and the customers. For instance, honeymooners may need an overnight stay. Make sure you are the first to take care of their needs, before they get another offer.
* Don’t forget to ask your clients if they want to book an airport lounge to use while waiting for their flight.They might not know about them.Drinks and snacks are included in the price.
* Offer a complete service – travel insurance, hotels and parking, lounges, foreign exchange and car hire. Customers will remember you for it and are more likely to come back.