Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 07/08/00 |
Author: | Page Number: 64 |
Copyright: Other |
Stewart voices concerns over sensitive data
SCOTTISHPassenger Agents’ Association vice-president Willie Stewart has written to his Euro MP to highlight concerns over airlines’ access to “commercially sensitive” data.In light of British Airways’ new payment scheme, to be introduced next year, Stewart is concerned about the fact that airlines can access information on the amount and type of tickets agents sell for rival carriers.
In a letter to MEP Bill Millar, asking for clarification on the European Union’s data protection policy, Stewart states: “Having been prevented – by the EU – from incentivising agents on the basis of exclusively BA sales, the carrier has now introduced a much more secretive scheme which reimburses agents for directional selling from other airlines. It is evident the airline is heavily dependent on commercially sensitive information from each of its agents, extracted from the Bank Settlement Plan data.”
Stewart then added that travel agents have no choice but to provide these figures.
BAgeneral manager for field sales, Ian Haywood, said: “We are just using the data available to segment the market.
“It’s only passenger numbers and maybe class segmentation but there’s no revenue figures. It’s not like the financial data of his travel agency is being passed on at all.”
Stewart: wants clarification on the EU’s data protection policy