Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 16/10/00 |
Author: | Page Number: 42 |
Copyright: Other |
Rail product by Alan Moore
Amtrak seeks to boost interest in rail travel
Campaign targets leisure travel market
NATIONWIDE US train operator Amtrak aims to revive interest in rail journeys in the States and dispel the myth that they are suitable only for students and those on a tight budget.
Rail travel may never be able to compete with the airlines in terms of convenience and speed but Amtrak is targeting the leisure traveller in a new Rail Around the US campaign.
It is introducing shorter regional rail passes in the eastern and western US for next year, gaining more exposure in tour operator brochures and investing heavily in new high-speed train services on key routes.
UK promotional drive
International sales manager Malcolm Smith, who recently visited the UK to raise more awareness of US rail travel, said: “We get about $14 million of annual business from the international market on sales of our US rail passes and point-to-point services.
“From this, $2 million is generated in the UK but we feel we can increase this figure considerably as we have a lot of new product that is customised for the individual traveller.”
He added that more Britons are going to the US and then purchasing tickets at stations. “We want to encourage them to book through an agent or tour operator before they leave the UK because they can save up to 30% on their tickets.”
Cutting ticket costs
As an example, Smith said the cost of a pre-paid single fare on the Metroliner service between New York and Washington is $72. If bought in the US, the cheapest weekend rate is $98, while the mid-week fare is $120.
Amtrak also aims to promote its product as an enjoyable experience rather than just a mode of transport. “The coach sections on our trains are more spacious than economy cabins on aircraft,” said Smith.
“The experience of rail travel is something we want to put back into people’s minds. Some tour operators are surprised at the variety of travel we offer on both regional and long-distance services.”
Amtrak is introducing a new five-day Northeast Rail Pass for next year, which Smith says will target sales from the city-break traveller.
Destinations include Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Niagara Falls and Buffalo in New York Stateand Montreal across the border.
On track: Amtrak is targeting leisure travellers with shorter regional passes
Smith: keen togenerate more sales from the UK
Smith: keen togenerate more sales from the UK
Amtrak product
Amtrak: rail pass rates for next year are being held at this year’s prices
SAMple gateway fares: Washington-New York£38-£45; Washington-Boston £41; New York-Boston £29.
New regional rail passes: five-day Northeast Rail Pass (for use within a seven-day period) $149; seven-day California Rail Pass (21-day validity) $159; and five-day North California and South California Rail Passes (seven-day validity) $99 each. All are effective from January 1.
Other product: typical 15 to 30-day rail passes can be for regional or nationwide travel and include East, West and Far West options, as well as point-to-point fares. A 15-day nationwide rail pass covering the entire Amtrak network costs $295. Amtrak said all rail pass rates for next year are being held at this year’s levels.
general sales agents: Leisurail and The Destination Group in the UK. Some passes are also available from tour operators such as Premier Holidays, Jetsave and United Vacations. Amtrak says all product is commissionable to agents, depending on UK suppliers’ agency terms.
new service brands: Acela Express high-speed service between Washington-Philadelphia-New York-Boston. New equipment currently being phased in.
The Pacific Surfliner: linking San Diego-Anaheim-Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, it begins at the end of this month. New express rail service between Los Angeles and Las Vegas is scheduled to start date in September next year.