Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 30/10/00 |
Author: | Page Number: 24 |
Copyright: Other | poll
Survey reveals public’s doubts over digital TV
THE public are still wary about booking through digital television and will only spend a maximum of £100, according to research conducted by
It revealed customers still want the security of speaking to reservations staff before booking. The customer research, which carries out every three months, comes as the company went live on the Open television channel. However, product will not be bookable on-line. head of interactive television Katherine Gershon admitted digital television was still in its infancy.
“We carry out regular research and customers are telling us they would be unhappy about spending any more than £100,” she said. “They are happy plotting a holiday but will contact the call centre to book most products.
“Digital television is where the Internet was two years ago. It’s an industry in its infancy and is basically a digital brochure on television.”
But as technology improves and more information can be transmitted, it will take off, she added., which also has deals with Telewest and Active Digital, will have the capacity to display 600 holidays on the Open channel.
It will display 250 holidays in its first week with more being added in the next month.
Meanwhile, a separate independent study commissioned by revealed 53% of the public said it was important to deal with a trusted high-street brand when shopping on-line.
The cited their fear of giving credit-card details and not talking to anyone as the reasons for not booking on the Internet.
The survey, which quizzed 1,000 people, also showed that 22% used the Web to research and plan holidays, while one in four said it had opened their eyes to destinations not previously considered.