THE British Tourist Authority has launched a vigorous defence of the Millennium Dome and insisted it will be a success.
BTAstrategic alliance manager Gareth James told a meeting of the Tourism Society he was fed up with people ridiculing the project.
“I am sick and tired of the whingeing and moaning. I don’t listen to or believe the chattering classes or newspapers who are constantly knocking it,” he said. “It will help us bring people to the UK. Where else in the world is there a millennium project like ours?”
The Dome’s operations director Ken Robinson defended the small visitor numbers to date, stressing very few people travel to attractions in mid-winter.
“I think we will see the Lisbon effect – people will flock to see it when they suddenly realise it will only be open for a few more weeks,” he said.
He added overseas visitors are “in awe of the place”.
James predicted a 3% growth in incoming visitors in 2000 to 26.5m with 5% growth in spending to £13.6bn.