Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 08/10/01 |
Author: | Page Number: 11 |
Copyright: Other |
Reckless redundancies made for skills shortage last time
FURTHER to Gary David’s comments regarding redundancy and price cuts (Travel Weekly October 1), I think some redundancies will be necessary. However, caution is called for.
During the Gulf War, many business travel companies let too many staff go, which resulted in these people going out of the industry and a severe skills shortage for nearly 10 years. The economy is in much better shape now than it was when the Gulf War began. While bookings will be lower due to the shock of the horrific events of September 11 and the cooling of the economy, the industry survived the Gulf War and it will survive this one. There will be casualties, but there will also be opportunities. The only way forward is to be adaptable.
Julia Feuell
managing director
New Frontiers