
Any advance on Archer now Beadle’s about?

NAME a few people you would not want to be shut in a room with. Chris Evans, Liam Gallagher, Bill Clinton (ladies only) or Ann Widdecombe perhaps, but what about Jeffrey Archer and Jeremy Beadle?

Unfortunately 300 people had the dubious pleasure of being in the care of the two so-called stars at this year’s charity Aviation Ball.

For good measure the pair brought along their mates Michael Aspel and Robert Powell – but they were relegated to tombola duties.

Beadle was about on stage to compere the evening and organise a few games for guests, some of whom felt they had certainly been framed when dragged to the front to make fools of themselves.

To give the top light entertainer his due, he ran the show very well and, sort of, treated the big-wigs from the world of aviation to the respect they demand.

Pity the same could not be said of the mayoral wannabe Lord Archer.

The former Tory MPhad the job of auctioneer for the night and set about his task with his usual briskness.

Bids were shouted out, bidders were brutally cajoled into forking out another grand or two and those who sat it out were bullied without mercy.

He did okay with the auction items though.

The Rugby World Cup tickets went for a good price, someone got the use of an estate in Scotland for life and the bloke who won the Concorde tickets was laughing. Literally, as he paid just £7,000 for £12,000 worth of seats.

All in all, the auction raised £37,000 on the night in a total of over £1m in five years for NCH Action for Children.

Wonder how Ken Livingstone would have done.

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