H Quote
Airtours UKLG franchise development director Andrew Williams putting an extraordinary amount of spin on the Airtours/Advantage debacle.
“We always wanted to develop the franchise and increase numbers. This is just fast-tracking that process.”
Internet service provider Alta Vista
For taking the lead in introducing free UK access to the Internet and forcing rivals to follow suit. Free surfing has been happening in NorthAmerica for years.
Thierry de Bailleui, Air France UKand Ireland commercial director
We say:”Non, monsieur” to his plans to cut commission to 7%. Mon dieu.
H Picture
English Tourism Council
This fishy specimen from the ETC was always in first plaice, especially when we read the accompanying press release. The blurb said the caption was promoting an England for Eggslence award. Look closely – the chef is holding two eggs!