I’MWRITINGin reply to representatives of the three largest ABTA regions (Travel Weekly June 21).
By proposing to block ABTA’s reorganisation, they are delaying the worthy aim of reducing fees for members.
No region, regardless of size, needs two representatives to ensure ‘that their views are considered’ unless a region’s members don’t trust their appointed representative.
There are historical grounds for believing this, but rather than helping it can work against the grass-roots of members of those regions.
When I was on TAC I witnessed one of the representatives vote for a motion and the other (representing the same region) vote against, effectively cancelling each other out.
I wonder if they reported this back to their members or just followed the mushroom growers’ code of practice. I suspect one representative is acceptable to most members, especially if their ABTAfees can be reduced. TAC worked reasonably well for 20 years but it would have worked better with three less members.
Waterfall Travel