EASYJET has opened the first in its chain of Internet cafes, called Easyeverything.
The site, outside Victoria Station inLondon, has 500 computer terminals on which users will be able to access the Internet for £1 an hour.
An EasyEverything spokesman said: “The consumer is very inquisitive about what can be bought over the Internet. This is for people who haven’t got access to the Internet elsewhere and have only read about it.
“Customers pay £1 for an hour and can go to whatever site on the Internet they wish. It’s not a walled garden situation where you can only get into certain sites. They can go anywhere on the Internet.”
One-quarter of Easyjet’s sales are taken over the Internet, according to latest figures.
He added: “We may have set up EasyEverything so users get free access to the EasyJet site, but we did not set this up as a distribution channel.”
More Internet cafes are due to open this summer. Premises in Tottenham Court Road, Oxford Street, Regent Street, Piccadilly Circus and HighStreet Kensington are being considered as possible sites. EasyJet’s Web site can be found at www.easyEverthing.com