Local time: GMT +2hrs (from Oct 25 to Mar 27 GMT + 1hr).
Language: Dutch.
Electricity: 220v AC 50Hz.
Int. direct dialling code: 31.
Driving: national licence is required. Minimum driving age is 18
Currency: Guilder (NLG 1 = 100 Cents).
Notes: NLG: 10; 25; 50; 100; 250;1,000.
Coins:NLG:1; 2.5; 5; Centimes: 5, 10, 25.
Business hours
Banks:9am-4pm, Monday-Friday.
Offices:8.30am-5pm, Monday-Friday.
Shops:9am-5.30pm Monday-Saturday.
Emergency services
Police, fire, ambulance: 06-11.
Free or reduced-cost emergency health treatment is available in most cases on production of a valid E111 form. Only state provided emergency treatment is covered.
Compulsory vaccinations: none.
Recommended Immunisations: none, however check travellers have up-to-date tetanus and polio immunisations.