Agents enrolled: 825.
Destinations featured: Thailand, Philippines, Macau, Taiwan, Korea and Japan.
Format: correspondence course consisting of 10 modules on paper.
Time: at leisure – easily completed in one year.
Cost: £85 plus VAT basic, sliding scale if more than one person in an agency.
Benefits: personal East Asia Specialist certificate and plaque; specialists are recommended for educationals run by members such as Gold Medal which is due to take around 50 agents to Asia this year.
Other incentives: Marks and Spencer vouchers for agents who recommend a friend.
Events: date of workshops tba.
Contact: Kim Romanski and Cecily Barton at Romanski Ltd, Barbican Business Centre, 132-140 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7DP; tel: 0171-490 4085; Fax: 0171-608 1851.