Since the meetings that they chaired,
Are Neil and Ronald running scared?
The master plan was bold, despotic;
The friendliness was quite nepotic
‘Twixt Airtours and NAITA’s board
But costs were such none could afford.They cut the cost 3K to one –
Airtours will loan a massive sum.
You won’t need Airtours to compute
As they can make your system suit.
As for your small supplier friend,
You make the booking they’ll amend.
Forget under-performance fees
For they’ll do anything to please.
The sign-up date’s twice been postponed
And all because the members moaned.
The Franchise? No you need not sign
And no, you need not now resign.
All this conditional diminution
To further Airtours’ distribution.
Perhaps the answer’s simply this –
Just give Airtours a goodbye kiss
And once the Franchise deal has gone
I’ll put the nose and earrings on.
John Pamenter, Chandlers Travel and the Cruise Club of Upminster, Upminster, Essex