n cimtig postpones dubai conference
The CharteredInstitute of Marketing’s Travel Industry Group has postponed its first internationalconference due to a lack of demand. The event was expected to take place in Dubai between February 11 and 15, with speakers including First Choice’sDermot Blastland andAirtours’ Roger Davies. CIMTIGchairman Giulio Ugo said Dubai would almost certainly remain the venue but the conference wasnow scheduled for lateFebruary or early March 2000.
n creditors to probe failure of red sea firm
BDOStoy Hayward has announced plans to hold a creditors’ meeting onFriday in central Londonfor the collapsed operator Destination Red Sea (Travel Weekly January 13). Full details had not been announced as Travel Weekly went to press.
n BAfranchise airline raises scots service
British Airways franchise carrier British RegionalAirlines is increasing its Southampton-Edinburgh service for the summer.The thrice-daily operation goes to four-a-day from thebeginning of March.
n Caa revokes Atol of INTER TOWNS TRAVEL
Inter Towns Travel of 82, East Barnet Road, New Barnet, Herts, has had its Air Travel Organisers’ Licence revoked by the Civil Aviation Authority. The firm had its ATOLsuspended on December 16 1998. The CAA has not called in its bond. It wasauthorised to carry 2,571 fully bonded passengers and 248 scheduledbonded passengers.