Industry talk
n What was your first job in travel and how much did you get paid?
Counter clerk for a small independent retail agency. I was paid ú2,900 per annum.
n What white lies did you tell on your first job application?
That the salary wasn’t really important!
n Who has been the biggest influence on your career and why?
No one as such, although having worked with Jackie Kernaghan I think she always looks so smart and polished and has the most amazing air of confidence. I’m still working on it!
n What has been your biggest challenge in the travel industry?
As the new Avro began to evolve in 1994/95, I was part of a sales team trying to develop relationships with agents that had been affected by the ‘old Avro’.
n What, apart from your current position, would be your ideal job in travel?
Customer Service training, there is always room for improvement.
n If you weren’t in travel, would what you be doing?
I would open a creche, children are amazing and Ilove spending time with them, if Ican give them backÉ
n What has been your most embarrassing moment in the travel industry?
I was 18 and extremely nervous on my first day in reservations. I kept hearing other staff repeating booking references back to the agents ‘A’ Alpha, ‘D’ Delta etc. I decided to make up my own language for ‘P’, but the word I picked perhaps wasn’t the best one… just use your imagination!
n What do you always carry with you to work?
Nutrigrain bars and Diet Coke.
n What one thing would you change about your job?
To get out more.
n Make one prediction about
travel in the 21st century.
Virtual holidays! Holidaymakers won’t need any of us – what a frightening thought.
n What advice would you give to someone starting out in the travel industry?
Question everything that you do not completely understand and make sure you do your own research.