Journal: TWUK | Section: |
Title: | Issue Date: 30/04/01 |
Author: | Page Number: 2 |
Copyright: Other |
* One multiple changes its pay scheme almost as often as it changes its MD.
* Ryanair going to 0%? That’ll make plenty of people happy.
* Agents are tightening their belts in the foot and mouth saga.
* Tesco is vying to take ABTA’s place as the industry watchdog.
* The engineered comment comparing Rod to Bill set minds wandering at theAviation Club.
* He’s added his weight to the Heathrow T5 debate.
* Gary’s realising the benefits of paying up.
* Not many days to Go.
* Ron’s comments have ruffled a few feathers. But Roger sees thingsdifferently.
* Sir Michael’s ready, but where are the aircraft?