n perry gamble extends policy’s age range
Perry Gamble has increased the basic age limit on its Annual Frequent Travel insurance policy for 2000 from 65 to 70 years and extended the maximum stay allowed for any one trip from 31 to 45 days. The premium is £73.50 for an individual or £95.50 for a couple. Travellers aged 70-75 years pay 30% extra while those aged 75-80 years face a 50% loading.
n ABCHoliday extras sees annual cover growth
ABC Holiday Extras managing director Stephen Lawrence said annual policy sales will contribute half of the company’s premium income within two years. They have already grown to one-third of premium income since the scheme was launched two and a half years ago. “Agents were reluctant to sell it at first but they have had to change in the face of competition in the annual policy market,” he said.
n citybond boosts backpacker programme
CityBond Travel Consultants has added search-and-rescue costs and departure delay cover to its Spectrum Young Traveller backpacker’s policy. Cover on the 2000 scheme has also increased, with medical up from £2m to £5m, cancellation up from £3,000 to £5,000 and hijack cover up from £1,000 to £5,000. Sales director Iain Chalmers said key selling points are that it covers clients up to the age of 45 years of age and that Europe is priced separately. Net premiums start at £12 for one month in Europe, £19 for worldwide cover.
n sterling travel insurance health check service
Stockport-based Sterling Travel Insurance has introduced a health check number for customers to ring if they or a person they are travelling with has had hospital treatment 12 months prior to travel, to confirm that they will be covered by the policy. The service is handled by the company’s Hampshire office, which opened last month, and is headed by general manager Nigel Welch. Clients who can be insured despite any medical condition will be given a declaration number to confirm they are covered.