I’m writing to clarify the ATC’s procedure for handling trade and consumer enquiries about travel to Australia.
Trade enquiries are handled by a trade helpline. It is staffed by travel counsellors and offers agents free information on all Australian states and territories. The telephone number is 0870 5022000.
The public can request information about Australia on 0906 8633235, and can order a copy of the ATC’s Australian Travellers Guide. Callers to this number are also offered the option to receive – or not to receive – more information about Australia via the ATC’s Aussie Specialist Programme.
Callers who choose to receive further information are sent a contact for their nearest independent Aussie specialist agent, their nearest multiple Aussie specialist agent and their nearest Aussie specialist direct seller.
The ATCoffers this service so that people can plan their ideal holiday to Australia with the help of someone who knows the country really well.
In this instance, the Lunn Poly agent called the consumer line rather than the trade helpline to obtain information and didn’t mention that he or she was a travel agent. As such, the normal consumer fulfilment applied.
The ATChas contacted Lunn Poly to discuss this situation further and regrets any confusion.
Michael Innes, Australian Tourist Commission, London