And 100 runners-up will receive a limited edition Virgin Atlantic Lord of the Rings amenity pack.
All you have to do is tell us the one thing you can’t do without on a long-haul flight…
The competition
Okay, so you got through the security checks and you are ready to jet off on holiday, a fam or business trip.
Fortunately, you are still able to take one piece of hand luggage on board so you can still pack your essentials for the flight.
But what is the one essential item without which the flight would be a nightmare?
Whether it is your toothbrush, your iPod or a set of earplugs, Travel Weekly wants to find out what you can’t do without when you fly long-haul.
The prizes
Thanks to Virgin Atlantic we have five pairs of tickets to see the West End production of Lord of the Rings.
We also have 100 special edition Lord of the Rings amenity kits, comprising a travel wallet with a Lord of the Rings bag tag, customised eyeshades, Lord of the Rings socks featuring a quote from Gandalf, and a limited edition pen.
How to enter
Email Travel Weekly with:
- Your must-have item for a long-haul flight
- Your name
- Your job title
- Your postal address
Mark your email ‘Long-haul’ in the subject line.
Closing date for entries: 5pm Friday 17 August 2007
Terms and conditions
The first 100 entries will receive a Virgin Atlantic Lord Of The Rings amenity kit.
The winners of the five pairs of tickets will be selected randomly from all entries.
The tickets are for Monday – Thursday performances at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London until the end of August. Tickets are non-transferable.