
Consumers remain confused over safety of Thailand and India

Consumers remain confused over whether it is safe to travel to Thailand and India after unrest of recent weeks, agents report.

Some clients with bookings have cancelled or altered their travel plans in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai and the week-long blockade on Bangkok’s airports by anti–government protestors.

Agents say people are opting for other long–haul destinations such as Africa because they are concerned about more trouble erupting in Bangkok and Mumbai.

Sabra Travel director Katy Savvides said: “People are confused about what do to. The Foreign Office advice is very vague. You can only be sure when itadvises people not to travel at all.”

Jackie Steadman, director of Travel TimeWorld in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, said people should listen to the Foreign Office and not be put off by media reports.

“People read the Foreign Office advice that it is safe to travel, then they see pictures of tanks on the news and panic.”

Meanwhile, specialist operator Somak Holidays said sales for Thailand and India have slowed in recent weeks.

Chief executive Ash Sofat said: “We have had cancellations for both places and bookings have definitely slowed. Mumbai is more catastrophic because UK travellers were specifically targeted.

“However, enquiries are up on last year for South and East Africa so people are still travelling. I am hopeful India and Thailand will recover as people have short memories.”

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