
Seasons in Style boss urges government to scrap APD increases

The boss of Seasons in Style has called upon the coalition government to scrap the planned increases in Air Passenger Duty (APD) in November.

Paul Beacall said the industry will be hard hit by the rises which will see APD on economy seats on all flights increase, with the biggest growth in economy class of £30 levied on flights further than 6,000 miles bringing the cost to £85.

The increases, which were ordered by Labour, will see overall APD revenues hit £3.8 billion, a sum that is not even spent on environmental projects despite the former government’s claim that APD was a green tax.

Beacall said: “I urge the coalition Government to scrap November’s planned increase in Air Passenger Duty as it will hit the travel industry hard.

“Some consumers will be put off travelling due to these extra costs and the impact will be felt by financially-fragile tour operators across the UK.

“More than ever, consumers will need to ensure they are booking their trips with tour operators who are strong in the industry.
“APD remains a highly inconsistent tax. Private jet travellers don’t pay it, nor do cargo users. Travellers flying to Jamaica pay more than those going to Los Angeles even though LA is three hours’ further flying time.”

His comments emerge after the collapse of Goldtrail, which left some 50,000 holidaymakers stranded in areas including Greece. It is the 11th holiday specialist to collapse in 2010 alone.

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