WHEN is a prize not a prize?
When it comes from the St Lucian Tourist Office.
I recently attended a St Lucian Tourist Office function in Manchester.
We were told during the evening on several occasions that ‘ten lucky people would be going to St Lucia’.
We were asked to get into teams of ten and a game unfolded with questions and answers.
The team with the most correct answers at the end were the winners.
The team I was in had the highest score, and we were told we were the ‘winners’, each person had a place on a fam trip sometime this year, everyone was delighted – until the conditions came.
You had to produce two bookings within a four week period.
I then received a letter which added another condition – the two booking must be with British Airways as they were providing the ‘prize seats for the winners.
And then you still had to wait until the end of April to see if you have secured a place on the fam trip.
I think the St Lucian Tourist Board has misled travel agents on this so-called prize. It simply seems to be an incentive scheme.
Kathy West
Greater Manchester